A slurry enhancer in powder form. Actiglene ensures cleaner slats, reduced crust formation, more homogenous slurry, 14.5% increase in N availability, 1 tonne Dm/ha increase in grass production (5 bales per Ha), reduction in Ammonia (53%) and Hydrogen Sulphide (80%).
Packaging- Bag 25 kg
Greatly Reduces Harmful Gases Reduces ammonia gases up to 53%
Reduces Hydrogen Sulphide by up to 80%
The creation of a favourable environment for bacteria by the supply of marine calcium and the stimulation of the bacteria by a nutritive complex from seaweed origin increases bacteria activity and decrease emissions during storage and at agitation.
Reduced Agitation TimeThis increase in bacteria activity allows for the conversion of organic nitrogen to available nitrogen and also increases the liquidity of the slurry.
The increase in the liquidity of slurries allows for a reduction in overall agitation costs.
Grow More GrassReplicated trials show a grass yield benefit of up to 0.9 t/ha of DM when slurry treated with Actiglene is compared to untreated slurry.
This equites to FIVE bales extra of silage per hectare!