N 20 P 0 K 4.2 S 5.8 Na 5.2 Mg 1.8
Benefits of Sodigrass"N 19 P 2.2 K 8.3 S 6 Na "
►►Contains three phase release N
►►Biostimulant to increase Nitrogen Uptake and conversion into protein
►►Ideal for application throughout the growing season
N 20 P 0 K 4.2 S 5.8 Na 5.2 Mg 1.8
Benefits of SodigrassPowered by N-Process
Protected PhosphorousThe Pro-active nutrition for your soils and crops
Benefits of Physalg 27Rooting Stimulant For Improved Growth
Protected Phosphorus.Nous offrons à nos clients des solutions personnalisées qui sont soutenues par un service de consultation technique.